General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim said Sunday that fighting terrorism through fire and preemptive attacks is not enough, adding that citizens should have a role in this mission.
"It is not enough to counter terrorism with fire, preemptive attacks nor with dismantling dormant and active terrorist cells," Ibrahim pointed out, stressing that "the efforts should be focused on uprooting terrorism from hearts and minds, and putting loyalty to all the state above all priorities."
In the latest edition of General Security Magazine Ibrahim noted that all security agencies in Lebanon are responsible for boosting stability and security to Lebanese people.
"However these efforts won't be enough if the citizens remain irresponsive to their role," the chief added.
Ibrahim called on Lebanese citizens to recognize that "we are all on board of the same boat in the middle of a raging sea and we must all cooperate and hold onto each other in order to reach safe shore and survive, otherwise we will face the inevitable fate of drowning."