Grace Massoud wrote this article in MTV website:
I’ve come across the best relationship advice you’ll ever lay your eyes on. Here goes nothing.
There are four levels for a romantic relationship according to Matthew Hussey, the relationship expert renowned the world over: Admiration, Mutual Attraction, Commitment and Compatibility.
Admiration is when two people find each other alluring. That allure then turns to mutual attraction which a lot of people mistake for enough reason to build with someone. Connection and sexual chemistry are not hard to come by. Let’s say level 2 is a garden with a lot of potential. When there’s chemistry all you can see is that potential of how wonderful it can be. If you don’t have a gardener to pull out the weeds and plant seeds that’s all it’ll remain, a sad piece of land that could be so much more. We need to find ourselves a sexy gardener willing and ready to water our tempting flowers not just pluck them out. Ask ourselves do we have a gardener? We will plant the most magical and otherworldly garden space with him, a little slice of heaven only the two of us can create.
Level 2 is merely an experience. Level 3 is a relationship. Have the tough conversation early to avoid investing and giving so much of yourself to the wrong person who’s just in it for a level 2. Giving too much will never turn the wrong person into the right one, which is what we tend to delude ourselves with. We think we’ll become indispensable to them while what happens is we’ll be taken for granted and when we finally wake up, they won’t rise to the occasion. There will be pain, disappointment, resentment, wasted time and energy because you were too afraid to have this talk at the beginning of the relationship. Every great relationship is formed in the crucible of hard conversations.
Don’t accept anything less than a gardener who is happy to roll up his sleeves and plant the dreamiest landscape with you, where you will gather with friends on hot summer nights under the stars, drinking wine and listening to good music. Where both of you will share peaceful and delightful moments basking in the sunlight, drunk on the aroma of colorful flowers you both carefully picked out, and taking frisky sexy swims in the striking infinity pool reflecting the enchanting patterns of the light and the sky.