Head of the "National Dignity List", MP Faisal Karami, chaired Friday a meeting at his residence to discuss the imminent by-elections in Tripoli, in presence of MP Adnan Trabolsi, Taha Naji and others.
"Unfortunately, the Constitutional Council committed unprecedented legal and judicial heresy when it did not declare the victory of the National Dignity List's candidate, Taha Naji, and instead called for the by-elections as per the majoritarian vote, without any legal reason that entitles it to do so," Karami said following the meeting.
Karami also considered that what happened was a masquerade designed in favor of Future Movement.
"It is better not to partake in the by-elections," he added.
"Let them compete with their lies," he stressed.
"As Dignity Movement and National Dignity List, we are boycotting the byelections and we do not recognize their results," Karami said, calling his supporters to follow suit.