Caretaker Minister of Finance, Ali Hassan Khalil, on Tuesday announced shortly after the adjourned legislative session that parliamentary committees, in accordance with a decision issued by the House of Parliament's Bureau, could resume its regular activities.
"The Finance and Budget Committee, to which the 2020 draft state budget has been referred, could legally and constitutionally resume its activities as well," the Minister explained.
"The House Speaker has summoned MPs for a legislative session twice in a bid to elect members of parliamentary committees, but both sessions have been adjourned," Khalil maintained, highlighting the importance of keeping the current committees active - pending the election of new members -- so as to avoid the disruption of the parliamentary institution.
"We can never say that we have entered a state of political vacuum. The House of Parliament is a constitutional institution with all its elements, and if there are circumstances today that have prevented this meeting, then this has nothing to do with the existence of the Parliament, its survival, or continuation as a constitutional institution," the Minister explained.