Maronite Patriarch, Bechara Boutros Rahi, on Thursday welcomed European Union Ambassador to Lebanon, Ralph Tarraf, who paid him a protocol visit after assuming his diplomatic duties in Lebanon. The meeting had been an occasion to broach the most recent developments on the local and international scenes.
"It was of extreme importance for me to listen to his Beatitude's point of view on the situation in Lebanon with its various religious, political, and economic aspects, as well as to listen to his analysis and reading of the situation," Tarraf said in the wake of his meeting with the Maronite Patriarch.
"We touched on the current situation in the country and the demonstrations that have been lately witnessed up and down Lebanon. We also tackled the challenges facing the political system, and the possibility of finding swift solutions to standing issues," the EU diplomat added.
Tarraf relayed Rahi's optimistic view; he then hoped that things would improve in Lebanon and that the efforts that were being exerted to remedy the situation in Lebanon would bear fruit.