Caretaker Information Minister Ziad Makary launched a first aid training course in collaboration with the Lebanese Red Cross, at the Ministry of Information premises. The course aims to equip media professionals and reporters with the required skills to handle minor injuries or incidents that may arise.
Minister Makary emphasized, "The safety of journalists takes precedence over news reporting and responsibilities," highlighting the importance of organizing such a course and following specific instructions. He stressed that these measures could potentially save lives from perilous situations.
“Therefore, the training sessions we’re conducting at the ministry are essential for the journalistic body that will be present in any crisis. We urge the media outlets to take these matters more seriously,” Makary added.
The Minister concluded, "We aim to secure helmets, protective shields, and first aid kits for all the news teams heading to southern Lebanon," stated Makary. He mentioned that these efforts would begin by equipping the press crews from the Ministry of Information, Tele Liban, and the National News Agency with the necessary gear.
Makary also emphasized the importance of having all media institutions properly adhere to the Ministry's instructions, in cooperation with all the parties involved.