Bou Habib: Removing refugee status from anyone who crosses by sea or land, and delaying the issue of displacement, will lead to a major explosion
- Bou Habib: The only solution lies in the participation of various countries at the negotiating table; Lebanon can no longer endure this massive displacement, we acknowledge our responsibility for failing to find solutions during the presidential vacuum and economic reforms, and we are actively engaging with the international community to address instability in the south
- Bou Habib: The Lebanese state needs the complete data of the displaced, but the refugee commission has provided incomplete data, and they are procrastinanting and ignoring deadlines, becoming part of the problem
- Bou Habib: We stress on the government's commitment to engage with relevant parties for the return of the displaced, Lebanon is committed to constructive dialogue for their return as well as implementing existing residency laws in Lebanon, and we emphasize handing over prisoners to Syrian authorities
- Bou Habib: Lebanon can no longer bear the burden of the displaced; it is not a conditional border for any state, we demand fair compensation for Lebanon, and we call for the redistribution of the displaced who cannot return to Syria to other countries