The Grand Serail witnessed a number of diplomatic meetings on Friday, which kicked off with a meeting between Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Ukrainian Ambassador to Lebanon, Ihor Ostash. Talks between the pair reportedly focused on bilateral relations between the two countries.
Mikati then welcomed Yemen's Ambassador to Lebanon, Abdullah Abdul Karim Al-Dais, who wished Lebanon success overcoming the calamitous circumstances that it has been going through.
The Yemeni diplomat also relayed to Mikati a picture of the “conditions that the Republic of Yemen has been enduring, the war it is witnessing, and the efforts of Yemen’s legitimate government to reach peace."
Mikati then welcomed at the Grand Serail Bangladeshi Ambassador to Lebanon, H.E. Maj Gen Md Jahangir Al-Mustahidur Rahman, who said on emerging: "It was a congratulatory visit, and our discussions were good and constructive. We have a large Bengali community living in Lebanon, and we would like to establish the best ways of cooperation between both of our countries.”
President Mikati later met with Brazilian Ambassador to Lebanon, Hermano Telles Ribeiro, who said after the meeting: “We’ve discussed the best means to consolidate Lebanese-Brazilian bilateral relations; there is a large Lebanese community in Brazil, and a great interest by all of the Brazilian political parties to boost relations with Lebanon.”
Mikati also had an audience with Spanish Ambassador to Lebanon, Jose Maria Ferré de la Pena, with whom he discussed Lebanese-Spanish bilateral relations.
Mikati then welcomed MP Hagop Pakradounian, who relayed on emerging Mikati's primary concern, which is the electricity dossier. “From what I have understood, there are good signs in this regard from Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt,” he added.
Pakradounian also disclosed a “project” in the making by the Prime Minister to return depositors' funds.