Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Tuesday chaired a meeting that included Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Abdallah Bou Habib, and Minister of Environment, Nasser Yassin, in preparation for Lebanon's participation in the “Presidents' Summit” within the activities of the "United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26" on November 1 and 2 in Glasgow - Scotland in the United Kingdom. PM Mikati will be heading Lebanon's delegation, which includes the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Environment.
A statement issued in the wake of the meeting clarified that Lebanon will actively participate in this global forum, despite its dire circumstances, as a contribution to advancing the important path of fighting climate change forward, especially since Lebanon’s circumstances did not prevent it from meeting the global call to increase efforts in the context of climate action, as it recently presented an ambitious update for its nationally determined contributions NDC.
“This confirms Lebanon’s determination to keep pace with this global path, and its belief in combating the climate crisis by adopting the path leading to achieving sustainable development, especially within the framework of the financial and economic advancement plan,” the statement added.
“The summit will also be an occasion to hold side meetings with senior international officials to mobilize support for the path of recovery and sustainable recovery that the Lebanese government is working on,” the statement concluded.