Information Minister Jamal Jarrah chaired a meeting at his office in the ministry on Tuesday, attended by Director General of the Ministry of Information Hassan Falha, Director of the NNA Ziad Harfoush, Director of Radio Lebanon Muhammad, and heads of departments.
Jarrah instructed ministry staff to work as dictated by national and professional interests, stressing that "the NNA has always been a factor of unification, bringing the Lebanese together, and it will continue to do so."
He pointed out that "the decision to appoint Harfoush as Director of the Agency has been taken since October 9, after an interview with him at his office. (...) It was officially issued on October 17."
"We are at a dangerous stage," Jarrah said, adding that populism will take us to the unknown. We should draw lessons from the civil war and the havoc it wreaked. This is what should be taken into account in the news broadcast by the agency, which is a unifying factor and a national space common to all."
He stressed the need for objectivity and to avoid "sensitivities and strife among the Lebanese, in the interest of stability and civil peace."
At the end of the meeting, Jarrah wished Harfoush success in his new mission, praising the spirit of cooperation and teamwork in the ministry.
For his part, Harfouche thanked the minister for the confidence he placed in him, stressing that he will work by what it dictated by professional ethics and the interest of the country.