Indy100 published this article:
Scientists have developed a hormone injection that can sober up drunk people.
Boffins at the University of Texas Southwestern realised that fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) — produced in the livers of people and animals — halves the time it takes for mice to recover from boozing by breaking it down more quickly.
Researchers gave mice a "binge" dose of ethanol, which made them lose their "righting reflex" — the body's ability to right itself when alcohol makes it go off balance.
In a separate experiment, the researchers gave regular mice a binge dose of ethanol followed by an injection of FGF21 an hour later when they were unconscious.
The results? The injection reduced the time both male and female mice took to recover their righting reflex by 1.5 hours — a 50 per cent decrease compared to mice in the control group.
Co-senior study author Steven Kliewer said: "By increasing FGF21 concentrations even higher by injection, we can dramatically accelerate recovery from intoxication. FGF21 does this by activating a very specific part of the brain that controls alertness."